Register at, download and install the Dropbox PC client. The free 2 GB Dropbox account can store approximately 12,000 QSOs. Dropbox allows increasing space at the Get more space page.
Storage beyond 2GB can be added by opening several dropbox accounts (for example, one every year, or one per contest). The paid plan gives 1TB of "cloud" space. Sometimes free or very cheap bonus storage is available as a promotion or on e bay.
After the Dropbox PC client is installed and logged in, click Authorize Dropbox to index your QSO files to add a special application folder for storing audio files. You will grant premission to this site to access and index contents of this specific folder.
Populate the Dropbox\Apps\QsoRecording folder on your PC with the QSO mp3 files. This folder is located in "My Documents" on most Windows computers. You can also go to to upload files using the browser to Apps - QsoRecording location.
Access your personal search URL after the files have finished uploading. Your QSOs should also appear in the global search results on this page
Audio files should be named using the following format: DXCALL_de_OWNCALL_CONTEST_MODE_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_NNMHz.mp3
e.g. W3LPL_de_V31VP_CQWWSSB_LSB_20171028_062004Z_3.5MHz.mp3
Use the following syntax for the "bio" page:
<p>Search YOUR CALLSIGN contest QSO recordings archive:</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="200" src="//" width="880"></iframe></p>Replace XXXXXXX with your personal number from the register page. Also, you can adjust height and width to your taste. Note that the URL in the iframe should not have http: in front of it. This allows the iframe to work from both HTTP and HTTPS pages.
[ 506843 recordings, 68356 unique DX calls indexed as of 2025-02-17 08:02:46 UTC ]